Bay Schools Gymnastics Festival
When: Juniors
(Yr 2 /3) Tuesday 24 June
Seniors (Yr 4-6) Thursday 26 June
Where: Omni Gym, Napier
Time: to be confirmed
_____________ is a member
of the Clive School Senior / Junior Gymnastics team.
They have been working
hard on their routines at school.
Please complete the
permission slip below to allow them to perform at the festival.
Please indicate if you are
able to assist with transport.
Unfortunately we are unable to let you know the times yet as the start
time depends on the number of school entries.
I give permission for
____________ to take part in the Hawkes Bay Gymnastics Festival on
Tues 24th June / Thurs 26th June.
I am able to assist with transport.
I have ____ seatbelts